Transfer of Wealth

Transfer of Wealth Overview

Following the Great Depression and World War II, the United States entered a golden age of business growth and personal prosperity. Americans have created, invested and multiplied unprecedented wealth. Over the next 20 years, this capital – an estimate of $90 trillion in assets nationwide – will change hands.

Transfer of Wealth Research

Kansas community foundations are leading an effort to ensure that the state’s transfer of wealth is preserved and invested in communities across Kansas.

Transfer of Wealth Research conducted by WSU for KACF indicates:

  • $146.1 billion will be transferred from one generation to the next in the state of Kansas from 2021 to 2030.
  • $7.3 billion or 5 percent could be preserved in community foundation endowments.
  • $1.2 trillion will be transferred in the state within the next 50 years (2021 to 2070).

Keep 5 in Kansas 

KACF and Kansas community foundations created the Keep 5 in Kansas campaign to share this unique opportunity with even more people in our great state, and to encourage potential donors to get in touch with their local community foundations. The campaign also gives financial advisors information about the financial and philanthropic benefits community foundations can provide to their clients.

Find materials to help you spread the word about the Keep 5 in Kansas campaign in the Resources section. With your help, Kansans across the state will be given the opportunity to do something extraordinary for the future of their communities!